C&C Honolulu Presenting: Kalihi Complete Streets • Update
The City and County of Honolulu held its kick-off meeting for the Kalihi Complete Streets improvements on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. The program focused on North King Street, Waiakamilo Road/Houghtailing Street, Middle Street and North School Street.
The Goals of the first meeting:
Inform the community of the project, understand how the community uses these streets and what concerns or challenges they have, and explore Complete Streets concepts that can make these streets safer for everyone, including keiki and kupuna.
The Study Area
• North King Street from Liliha Street to Middle Street
• Waiakamilo Road/Houghtailing Street from Nimitz Highway to School Street
• North School Street from Queen Emma through its transition into Middle Street ending at Dillingham Boulevard
If you missed the meeting we have the presentation slides for you. View the Presentation
For more information, check the Kalihi Complete Streets project website and view the Honolulu Complete Streets – Kalihi fact sheet.