Kalihi Traffic Impacts • Late Feb – May 2019
Aloha! Maui Kupono Builders, LLC has been contracted by the City & County of Honolulu to perform rehabilitation of streets on North King Street, from Ola Lane to Peterson Lane, including Poepoe Place. Please see map showing areas affected.
The construction activity in Kalihi area is anticipated to begin on or about late February with a completion date of May 2019. The project includes but is not limited to milling and resurfacing of the asphalt concrete pavements; reconstruction of identified curbs and/or gutters; tree mitigation by a qualified arborist that could including pruning, trimming and removal; adjustment of utilities to final grade; installation of permanent markings and vehicle loop sensors.
Day time work hours will be Monday through Friday, 8:30am and 3:30pm. To minimize traffic congestion, most roadway reconstruction and repaving will be done at night. Except holidays, night work hours will be Sunday through Thursday nights, 6:30pm to midnight, Monday through Friday mornings, from 12:00 midnight to 5:30am, as permitted by Department of Health Noise Variance permit. If it becomes necessary, Sunday day work hours will be 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Residents and businesses are advised that roadways will be posted with “NO PARKING” signs a minimum of 24 hours in advance to warn you of the impending work. Please observe and obey all traffic controls, posted signs and Special Duty Officers. Drivers should anticipate detours, lane and road closure delays and to allow extra travel time while driving through the work areas.
Every effort will be made to complete this essential work as quickly and with as little inconvenience to your residence and business as possible. Thank you for your patience and support while we work to improve the roads in your community.