Week of November 5, 2018

Night time utility work continues this coming week as part of the City Center Utilities Relocation for the Honolulu Rail project. Nan, Inc. will continue working in a few areas of Dillingham Boulevard this coming week. Please see below for the detailed breakdown.

Dillingham Boulevard Between Alakawa Street and Kaaahi Street
Traffic will be reduced to a single lane eastbound and westbound weeknights between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
The left-turn lane from westbound Dillingham Boulevard into the Costco parking lot will be intermittently closed. Motorists will be detoured to Alakawa Street. Special duty police and/or flaggers will be in place to assist traffic flow.

Dillingham Boulevard between Kohou Street and Alakawa Street
The left eastbound lane may be closed between 7pm and 5am nightly Monday evening through Friday morning.
The left turn into Honolulu Community College at Alakawa Street may be closed between 7pm and 5am nightly Monday evening through Friday morning.

Dillingham Boulevard between McNeill Street and Kohou Street
Alternating between either the two right eastbound lanes or the left eastbound lane and center median will be closed from 7pm through 5am nightly from Monday evening through Friday morning.